The truffle walk experience doesn't include a real lunch but a "truffle pic nic" in the forest with some truffle sandwiches and some glass of red wine.

According to the weather and the season the truffle walking experience is created for all the clients that like to walk and hiking and enjoy the Florentine hills forests.

For Info and Booking please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The experience could be planned according to the season and up personal request.

Rate: euros 150,00 person that includes :

-the truffle hunter guide
-the truffle expert dog
-the picnic
-the truffle walk in a local forest
-the truffle research

NOTE: The possible found truffles could be bought at the current daily rate.

Transportation is not included.

For Info and Booking please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I love my job and every new day I'm ready to share my passion for truffles and wines with everybody that come to visit me!

Giulio Benuzzi - Truffle license number 12270

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